

The Last House on the Left (1972)

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On the eve of her seventeenth birthday, Mari Collingwood tells her parents that she is going to the concert of underground band Bloodlust in New York with her friend Phyllis Stone. She borrows the family's car and heads with her friend to a dangerous neighborhood in the city. Meanwhile, the sadistic and cruel escapees Krug Stillo and Fred 'Weasel' Podowski are hidden in a hideout with their partners Sadie (Jeramie Rain) and Krug's addicted son Junior Stillo (Marc Sheffler) after killing two guards and one shepherd in their runaway. The two girls seek marijuana near the theater and meet Junior that offers some Colombian grass to them. They go to his apartment and are subdued by the criminals that rape Phyllis. On the next morning, they hide the girls in the trunk of their convertible and head to Canada. However, they have a problem with the car's rod and they stop on the road close to Mari's house...
Martin Kove as Deputy
David Hess as Krug Stillo (as David A. Hess)
Lucy Grantham as Phyllis Stone
Sandra Peabody as Mari Collingwood (as Sandra Cassell)
Marc Sheffler as Junior Stillo
Jeramie Rain as Sadie
Fred J. Lincoln as Fred 'Weasel' Podowski (as Fred Lincoln)
Ada Washington as Ada, chicken coop truck driver
Marshall Anker as Sheriff
Cynthia Carr as Estelle Collingwood
Ray Edwards as Postman
Richard Towers as Dr. John Collingwood (as Gaylord St. James)
Full cast

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For all of you who go on & on about how bad this movie is, check out the original. This movie is a masterpiece in comparison. In the original, the murder, rape & torture of the girls, (neither end up living in the original), is much more drawn out & considerably more brutal, (the psychos make the girls have sex with each other, piss themselves, etc). And then when the bad guys end up at the parents house & the parents discover who they are, it just went downhill from there because any sense of realism flew right out the window. The part in the original where the mother was giving one of the killers & BJ & bites his junk off & spits it out still stands as a serious low point in Wes Craven's otherwise excellent career. At least the remake, (although still brutal), didn't feel like it was intentionally just trying to be gross for no reason. Watch the original, then realize that this is one of those rare cases where the remake actually outshines the original.


the rape scene was really graphic and pointless, i wanted to walk out. however, the rest of the movie was really intense and had me on the edge of my seat. i would rate it as "GO" if the rape scene wasn't as disturbing. i wouldn't recommend it to anyone with a weaker stomach.


Monday March 9 - I just attended the advance press preview of this 1hr and 50min remake of the 1972 movie of the same name. The original movie was directed by Wes Craven - who produced this 2009 remake with Dennis Iliadis directing - screen-written by Carl Ellsworth and Adam Alleca. The plot was nicely fleshed-out resulting in a chair-gripping knuckle-biting suspenseful cathartic movie-going experience. The major theme of revenge/vengeance was well-done. A high quality production - this movie was well-edited and competently directed. The relatively unknown cast performed commendably. The preview audience repeatedly cheered and clapped throughout the movie - reflecting their interest and their high level of involvement in the movie - ending with a resounding ovation. VERDICT: Scenes of violence, drug use, nudity, sexuality - not family/kids-friendly. For fans of horror/suspense - GO SEE IT! Definitely worth my time - well-done!


Okay, so I saw this movie with my boyfriend and it had a very slow beginning but it got more intersting. THe thing that made me feel very very uncomfortable was the rape scene. Both me and my boyfriend had to get up and leave the theatre because it was so graphic. If you can handle that kind of stuff and other icky stuff you should go see it but if you can't i would definetely suggest you not to go.


The premise of this movie is one for which the public has been ravenously hungry. When sadistic emotional infants possessed of weak character seek to feel powerful by victimizing the weak and stealing away their happiness, taking justice into one's own hands is the only action that satisfies. The police cannot always protect us and our criminal justice system fails to prevent recidivism. In the case of the family featured in this movie, the only safety and peace of mind that they would enjoy would be only that which they could purchase in blood. The rape scene in this movie is masterfully done. It is just graphic enough to allow you to develop a deep inner loathing for the scumbags committing it, while simultaneously avoiding the display of any graphic nudity throughout the scene in order to make it suitable for viewing by emotionally mature teens. The acting on the part of Sara Paxton during the rape scene was superb. I highly recommend this movie to any suspense fan.

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